Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Curious Adrenaline, 5-Hour Personlity and Religion Power Bar

These aren't sold in stores. They're in your blood and it powers every human. We take a daily dose of it every day without realizing it. My guess-timate of what it means to be a human is in our DNA and emotions. Each DNA has a pair of genetics that builds your spirituality or religion. Emotions is an individual's state of mind.Without it you wouldn't know what it feels to be loved, hated, and respected. Its my opionion of important feelings that are powerful. Ones that can take over your body. They make you do stuff you never expected to do. Sometimes you wake up and feel like you had a hangover. I know there is many different categories that human would actually fit in. But I really wanted to talk about human characterstics aside from us being globally. Many people think that everyone else is different. We're the same because we think that other people are different. Depending on your personality and religion, you make life as it is enjoyable. I measure life as the years its worth meaning that you did something you enjoyed doing. In life we come across a gazillion fork roads, we each drive into one road after thinking about it and soon acting. Curiosity helps us to find the answer to our questions.

 Everybody has the desire in their eyes for curiosity. We seek discovery and learn things from other people. If another person had a lunch, wouldn't you want to know what it it?. Or If there is a new release of Iphone 5 in the apple store, would you call someone who might know? I think as a world we tend to think about what other people in the world are like. We want to learn and discover new things so we go travel and research. I think of curiosity as an ability that one might acquire to further understand the world around an individual. Many people put curiosity into instinct more than emotion. Its more of an emotion because there is many different ways to express it. It increases or human knowledge and gave it its own subject: history. History pinpoints all of our events into one category so when we need the answer to a past relating to the future it may help us understand the world that we live in. Curiosity involves other emotions like love, anger, loneliness, and excitement. When we choose to love someone, we contact them because we are curious of what they would think of you. When we hate someone, we wonder if they feel the same way. When we feel lonely, we wonder if people are there to notice. When we feel excited, we want to know if anyone else is enjoying this too.  Depending upon what your personality is you can choose to lack curiosity or increase.
"An understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment. "
David Attenborough 

Everyone has a personality. Personality is the combination of behavior, attitude, and emotions. We each have personalities that change in a time period where we think we LACK change. To fix a situation in life, we decide to test a new personality between social or antisocial. If we are lonely we make friends with other people who might feel lonely. If we think that everybody judges you by who you are and its an issue, you become antisocial. It's becoming a big deal in the world because the world can sometimes be against or with you. As humans, we tend to form groups with people of our personalities. Doesn't matter what race or gender. We all need a soul mate. Good or bad moral is measured and judged by your personality. A human can have a side of right or wrong. Its better for someone to have good moral because it effects other people around them. Remember, We're not alone in this world and what you do impacts everyone else. Sometimes one person personality can change someone elses. Torturing and insulting each other brings negative thoughts into our minds. So we undergo processes that might deal with them before they become emotional. If you were bullied, you'll either bully someone else to make you feel superior or treat everybody with more respect so they can respect you. In this world, these things won't happen as much because other people want to stop you from becoming someone you dream to become. When the world sees you like a threat, they stop you in your tracks and send you to jail for your actions. Its always good to know if someone lacks this or that so you can share some of your personality to them. Explain and convince them to do this if they feel like they need something to live with. Its like you recruited a new person into your new created religion. 

Religion takes up between 0% to 100% of a persons belief. Mankind has developed these theories based on there own point of view. Many people think that by your race, you must follow your heritage. When in the real world, you can CHOOSE what you believe in. Something that convinces you and will increase your wisdom. Religions has certain behaviors that you must do. Kinda like a membership card to get into the religion. This might or might not change your personality and living style. As humans, we obtain certain characteristics and attributes from these religions that break off into small branches. Lets say you believed in Christianity, you are recognized as a person of importance in the world and have good moral. You will later have to fall into Protestant,Catholic,or Orthodox. They read and interpret the bible living up to their practices. Its a full commitment so be prepared to change your lifestyle.

Its great to set history as an example for the upcoming generations. As humans we do our fair share and build next to each other relationships. Even tho war has forces us to hold each other throats, we got some things in common. We're all the same because we think we're different. We are different because we think we're all the same.

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