Friday, September 16, 2011

RE: Good Grade Good School

My parents, being the traditional asian parents that they are, want to see me become a doctor, a lawyer, or an accountant. These are what my parents call "real jobs."
              Totally agree with Peter on this one, Asian parents expect too much from students. Even tho they force us or sign up classes to take on the career say Medical or Engineering. Its wall about what you want to do for a living. What if you die from being a Doctor not being happy. I rather doing doing what I love to do. yet I still haven't found out what I'm especially into. Right now I'm searching all over the places just taking some notes that may tell me what is interesting to me and if I have the abilities to follow it up. Yes I want to make. Yes I want to be successful. But its our choice and decision if we get into a college for doing bad in school. Then that's that, we can't change it.  
              Parents use money and presents to motivate us to do better. I ain't saying its half bad but it does work. I get confused sometimes when I get frequently about who I wanna be when I grow up? If this was a short response question I would leave it blank. I still haven't found the answer as a kid I always thought you could be a police, firefighter, or a teacher. No more just those 3 jobs. I didn't even know that they were called jobs until 4th grade(I'm slow). I don't have any qualities that suits me in becoming any 3. I'm going to live my life with a smile and see what crosses my path.

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