Friday, September 16, 2011

FREE: Aboard The Bart

            Since elementary school,I've been taking a summer program out in the city if you read my previous post. This journey consisted of 3 types of transportation. I had to wake up early in the morning around 8 to drive the car to the Bart Station in Lake Merritt near Laney College. Upon inserting my red Bart ticket in the slot where you pass by just like the ones in the airport. There are 3 different types of tickets red, blue, and green. Red is for kids under 12. Blue is for adults and green is for seniors. They were treated as a passport because if you lost it just send it to the Bart Customer Service and they'll announce it if it had your contact information everywhere on the mics around the Bart. I always thought it was fun to ride a Bart train but kinda dangerous. I felt like i paid for an amusement park season pass to a roller coaster that goes in a straight line.                                  In middle school, I started to read Bart procedures and maps because I knew sooner or later I the information would be useful. I think the best part about being on the Bart train is sitting down on the seats. Even tho they were made out of a material that can never be clean. They stay comfortable just like a Tempur-Pedic. I recently heard a story from my friend who poured soda all over the seat to see what would happen. He saw that the seat literally absorbed the soda faster than a Bounty Hunter towel. Pretty cool stuff but I would not sit in that seat at all. Bart was the first train I ever went on and I continue to go on it in needs of transportation. Ride a Bart Today!

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