Thursday, September 8, 2011

FREE: UCLA and Christian Girl

             While watching videos on youtube, I came across this video that I've seen and probably been on the news about Alexandra Wallace or her internet name Racist UCLA Student. Basically she posted a 3 minute video on youtube about asians in the library. She complains that asians in the library are loud and selfish. Wallace continues on with "I swear they're going through their whole families just checking everybody from the tsunami thing". She refers to the disaster of Japan when 1st there was an earthquake then a tsunami. Leading me to another christian girl that thanks god for attacking Japan. Lets just call her Alexandra Wallace Junior. These 2 girls get an overload of threat emails from all over the world. I don't blame the world, I blame them for deciding to posting a video this dumb on the internet.
            After hours of trying to find the original video of "Asians in the Library", Youtube has deleted the video due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright from the Hong Kong Industry Alliance Limited. On the news, Alexandra Wallace has confirmed that she no longer attends UCLA explaining that she apologies for uploading the video. Sadly enough, people all over the world have reposted the video online and many other youtubers have posted their own response. My favorite response was by a comedian by the name of David So who really humiliated her by humor and his point of view. Props to David and hope he goes big. Have a good one guys!

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