Friday, September 23, 2011

FREE: Unmistakable

We all make mistakes. Do we deserve the punishment sometimes? Yes. But what we can do is learn from this and do better. I was always the innocent one. If someone got in trouble they'll drag me in the situation some have or another. Using any object or subject in their minds, they will unleash upon me. "He saw what happened" "Look he's holding the stolen item" "He's lieing cause he did it" Stop it please your making yourself a selfish person. Take responsibility and stand up. How could you accuse people of lying when you seen other people lie? We are all different. I'm glad they made erasers for a pencil because even a "Pen is mightier than the sword". It could erase written mistakes but never recover shame. Don't get it? Heres a story.
        I was accused of tagging(drawing) on a dictionary. I was consulted with the leader to figure out the truth. One, I knew who previously did it. Second, I was brought into this mess by someone. Third, I had to let her know the truth. Apparently she thinks I'm lying. So by lying she doesn't believe me. What do I do? I tell a lie about the truth. I said "That I did this and I'm sorry I did." I felt ashamed I took someone's crime and made it mine. His punishment was my punishment. Pissed off i walked away with anger and a clenched fist. I figured out that people will trust you if you respect them the way you would do with your friends. But will your friends respect you or treat you as a scapegoat? If this was one of your mistakes, your not alone on this.


  1. hey made a response post to this post check it out :
