Friday, September 23, 2011

CE: Goobook

Has Google Plus become the new Facebook?
Google has launched a social networking tool called Google Plus. It is aimed at dethroning the field's crowned king - Facebook.
Is Google trying to over throw Facebook and its 75 million audiences? This cyber war between the two enemies will prove which one can capture the global internet users. We all know that Google is used continuously before Bing and have been published. I personally continue to use Google search engine on the top right for research purposes. Its said that Google Plus looks like Facebook but putting the name "Google" makes it sound more superior. The presenter states that "Google can put all your contacts into separate categories more than Facebook. Its just a Facebook with more features. Whatever happened to Myspace? Thats like the underground sites of the internet. Looking back on Myspace website, They totally created a monster. is no longer Its Who woulda thought that they literally placed a space into the My"space".
         I fear that social networking will force more people to talk online than open to the world. Computers prices will sky rocket and Apple will rise to the top without Steve Jobs. Even worse ever social network site is trying to up there game. Facebook recently updated their new features like "New Stories" and the picture views are pop-ups. Internet is cyber slaughtering every pixel until they win over their audience. Facebook has to stop with these updates or Ima go back to my girlfriend Myspace.

1 comment:

  1. Did they really change to ??! LOL, that's so ridiculous..
