Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: Haywards most wanted and 9/11

              Everyone must have seen missing signs of the missing nurse Michelle Le from Kaiser Permanete around the East Bay. According to DNA evidence and camera footage, Giselle Esteban was suspected of killing her friend Michelle Le. Their background is that they used to be best friends but why did she kill her? Esteban testified that Michelle Le ruined her relationship between her child and husband. People these days really need to think before they act. How could you turn against a best friend?  It worries me how adults these days aren't setting a great example. Esteban is currently arrested and Michelle Le's family wish she that she will come back to them.
             9/11 is coming in two days and I would like to celebrate that victims that died. At the moment, I'm reading stories of kids who grew up without seeing their parents and just moving on with life. I probably didn't know about 9/11 until elementary school in 5th grade. I finally understood about how tragic this event was in 6th grade. This taught to respect the people around me because they have not been effected but impacted by this event. Let us remember this day and bow our heads this weekend.

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