Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BC: Newcomer

                Hi, I'm Gary. Currently a sophomore attending Alameda High School. I enjoy spending lots of time talking with friends and sleeping. I like to listen to anything that sounds good. I was born in Alameda, California and first enrolled in Otis Elementary. From Otis, I went on to Lincoln Middle School. During that time, I sometimes volunteered at Otis whenever there was a event going on. And from Lincoln to Alameda High School. Being the youngest out of four boys in the family. My job was to simply grow up.
                Through elementary to middle school, I was the short stick. my only advantage was hallways and hide-n-seek. I was forced to eat every last bit of any meal. My favorite memory in elementary was climbing to the top of a maple tree. It was probably the first sunset I ever saw in my life. During the summer, I entered a summer program in San Francisco, California. I was recognized by the staff because they knew my oldest brother. When I heard the building was in San Francisco's Haunted Places. I dressed up looking like Dora the explorer the male version the next day. I entered a small tunnel where rumors said that a girl was stuck in their without food and the tunnel eventually collapsed and trapped her till death. I went in took a peek and saw these blood stains on the wall. The staff heard a girl scream and stepped back. I appeared out of the tunnel and told them I saw the girl to hide the embarrassment.
                I never traveled outside of state but my Dad told me he'll take me to Hong Kong until I become fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. From the looks of it, my Dad is thinking that I'm a couch warmer. Basketball and Trying new food are my favorite hobbies. I've tried Ethiopian, Indian, and Taiwanese food but I have yet to try more. My stomach is always satisfied after each meal. I play basketball sometimes to take a break from frustration, stress, and boredom. It's my own form of meditation.  I have yet to tryout for any basketball team.
                I recently got into a lot of music. Since music is created almost every day, my favorites are beats, hip-hop, alternative, and jam. My favorite beats are created by the artist of J Dilla, Nujabes, and 9th Wonder. Eminem and a group called Atmosphere. They just create that flow that just makes you want to put your hands up. Jam and Alternative ties into my desire to become a dancer. Really just trying to make every movement to every possible beat makes you feel great.
                My writing goals for this year is being able to make sense and follow proper format. Penmanship wise is a little off but I can manage. The ability to include vocabulary words where appropriate. When I write better, I'll feel comfortable when it comes to writing speeches so I know the audience knows what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

  1. You're hella funny! and you seem like a really good writer.
    Keep it up and keep me interested!
