Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: Praying Is Illegal?

           Since when was praying in public illegal? France currently banned public prayers around the country. Did France want some space so they needed to ban this? One of the most weirdest laws that I ever heard in my life. This kinda reminds of my history class. One is because that people should have the right to practice their religion. Express their soul spiritually. Some Muslim continue to break the laws and carry their praying indoors.
The ban comes in the wake far-right protests over the practice - common among Muslims - of spreading out prayer mats in the streets.
          France authorities have provided worshipers with buildings to use. A few thousand Muslim sit on their praying mats in what is used to be a fire station. Its a agreement that people will carry their prayers indoor then out. I would get kinda scared entering the streets of France because their some people who are protesting their freedom. I think the government needs to mind their own business before they decide to publish this law. Has praying harmed anyone physically in the streets? Should you not continue to worship in what you believe in? Does the government have the right to tell you what you can do or cannot? Reporter says that these protesters are really battling out their identity of France. This also supports the right to vote for men and women. Its human nature to force yourself to disagree in what you think is wrong.  I guess some rules were made to be broken.

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