Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Curious Adrenaline, 5-Hour Personlity and Religion Power Bar

These aren't sold in stores. They're in your blood and it powers every human. We take a daily dose of it every day without realizing it. My guess-timate of what it means to be a human is in our DNA and emotions. Each DNA has a pair of genetics that builds your spirituality or religion. Emotions is an individual's state of mind.Without it you wouldn't know what it feels to be loved, hated, and respected. Its my opionion of important feelings that are powerful. Ones that can take over your body. They make you do stuff you never expected to do. Sometimes you wake up and feel like you had a hangover. I know there is many different categories that human would actually fit in. But I really wanted to talk about human characterstics aside from us being globally. Many people think that everyone else is different. We're the same because we think that other people are different. Depending on your personality and religion, you make life as it is enjoyable. I measure life as the years its worth meaning that you did something you enjoyed doing. In life we come across a gazillion fork roads, we each drive into one road after thinking about it and soon acting. Curiosity helps us to find the answer to our questions.

 Everybody has the desire in their eyes for curiosity. We seek discovery and learn things from other people. If another person had a lunch, wouldn't you want to know what it it?. Or If there is a new release of Iphone 5 in the apple store, would you call someone who might know? I think as a world we tend to think about what other people in the world are like. We want to learn and discover new things so we go travel and research. I think of curiosity as an ability that one might acquire to further understand the world around an individual. Many people put curiosity into instinct more than emotion. Its more of an emotion because there is many different ways to express it. It increases or human knowledge and gave it its own subject: history. History pinpoints all of our events into one category so when we need the answer to a past relating to the future it may help us understand the world that we live in. Curiosity involves other emotions like love, anger, loneliness, and excitement. When we choose to love someone, we contact them because we are curious of what they would think of you. When we hate someone, we wonder if they feel the same way. When we feel lonely, we wonder if people are there to notice. When we feel excited, we want to know if anyone else is enjoying this too.  Depending upon what your personality is you can choose to lack curiosity or increase.
"An understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment. "
David Attenborough 

Everyone has a personality. Personality is the combination of behavior, attitude, and emotions. We each have personalities that change in a time period where we think we LACK change. To fix a situation in life, we decide to test a new personality between social or antisocial. If we are lonely we make friends with other people who might feel lonely. If we think that everybody judges you by who you are and its an issue, you become antisocial. It's becoming a big deal in the world because the world can sometimes be against or with you. As humans, we tend to form groups with people of our personalities. Doesn't matter what race or gender. We all need a soul mate. Good or bad moral is measured and judged by your personality. A human can have a side of right or wrong. Its better for someone to have good moral because it effects other people around them. Remember, We're not alone in this world and what you do impacts everyone else. Sometimes one person personality can change someone elses. Torturing and insulting each other brings negative thoughts into our minds. So we undergo processes that might deal with them before they become emotional. If you were bullied, you'll either bully someone else to make you feel superior or treat everybody with more respect so they can respect you. In this world, these things won't happen as much because other people want to stop you from becoming someone you dream to become. When the world sees you like a threat, they stop you in your tracks and send you to jail for your actions. Its always good to know if someone lacks this or that so you can share some of your personality to them. Explain and convince them to do this if they feel like they need something to live with. Its like you recruited a new person into your new created religion. 

Religion takes up between 0% to 100% of a persons belief. Mankind has developed these theories based on there own point of view. Many people think that by your race, you must follow your heritage. When in the real world, you can CHOOSE what you believe in. Something that convinces you and will increase your wisdom. Religions has certain behaviors that you must do. Kinda like a membership card to get into the religion. This might or might not change your personality and living style. As humans, we obtain certain characteristics and attributes from these religions that break off into small branches. Lets say you believed in Christianity, you are recognized as a person of importance in the world and have good moral. You will later have to fall into Protestant,Catholic,or Orthodox. They read and interpret the bible living up to their practices. Its a full commitment so be prepared to change your lifestyle.

Its great to set history as an example for the upcoming generations. As humans we do our fair share and build next to each other relationships. Even tho war has forces us to hold each other throats, we got some things in common. We're all the same because we think we're different. We are different because we think we're all the same.

Friday, September 23, 2011

FREE: Unmistakable

We all make mistakes. Do we deserve the punishment sometimes? Yes. But what we can do is learn from this and do better. I was always the innocent one. If someone got in trouble they'll drag me in the situation some have or another. Using any object or subject in their minds, they will unleash upon me. "He saw what happened" "Look he's holding the stolen item" "He's lieing cause he did it" Stop it please your making yourself a selfish person. Take responsibility and stand up. How could you accuse people of lying when you seen other people lie? We are all different. I'm glad they made erasers for a pencil because even a "Pen is mightier than the sword". It could erase written mistakes but never recover shame. Don't get it? Heres a story.
        I was accused of tagging(drawing) on a dictionary. I was consulted with the leader to figure out the truth. One, I knew who previously did it. Second, I was brought into this mess by someone. Third, I had to let her know the truth. Apparently she thinks I'm lying. So by lying she doesn't believe me. What do I do? I tell a lie about the truth. I said "That I did this and I'm sorry I did." I felt ashamed I took someone's crime and made it mine. His punishment was my punishment. Pissed off i walked away with anger and a clenched fist. I figured out that people will trust you if you respect them the way you would do with your friends. But will your friends respect you or treat you as a scapegoat? If this was one of your mistakes, your not alone on this.

RE: Summer Weather?

  Weather’s been changing. It’s hella cold. What the hell. This coming week’s gonna be hella warm again.Bipolar ass weather I swear. I’m getting the worst allergies because of all these change of weather. I didn’t feel good all day in school today. I didn’t have enough sleep too. In math class I was like writing while falling asleep,literally no concentration. Whatever.
Gendarme you ain't alone man. Why summer heat gonna come when schools starts? I should be able to wear my jacket the whole day like the usual days. Everyday in school your just struggling to keep yourself awake especially in math class. Your eyes are like trying to lift their own weights. You hand just wanna be close to their best friend Cheeks. How do you learn if the weather is killing you? Wheres the AC School? I seat like 5 seats away from the fan. Wheres my fair share of the breeze? I hate hot weathers but its great to get active. Cold dessert is the best on a hot day.
             Do people still call this global warming? I haven't seen any news about polars bears living on a melting floating piece of ice. How are we helping to prevent this? More cars are pouring smoke into the air. Factories work nonstop. Don't forget about allergies. Theirs always the person who sneezes continuously until they settle down. Especially in a silent classroom, its more embarrassing cause everybody look at you. But i guess its like a comic relief so everybody can take away time from paying attention to everything the teachers says. A combination of sleepiness and weather pain is overkill. I hate it when your writing and your palm is stick right onto the paper like glue. You want to wash your face in cold water. Cold weathers are great because you can control it. What I mean is that you can wear as many layers as you like to get in a comfort zone. Unlike hot weathers, you will have to take off layers and skin. Stuff is nasty. Bugs are buzzing trying to get in your house for shelter. This weather is great for bugs to lay their eggs. Found this out by observing a load of flies buzzing through a dead wood.

CE: Goobook

Has Google Plus become the new Facebook?
Google has launched a social networking tool called Google Plus. It is aimed at dethroning the field's crowned king - Facebook.
Is Google trying to over throw Facebook and its 75 million audiences? This cyber war between the two enemies will prove which one can capture the global internet users. We all know that Google is used continuously before Bing and have been published. I personally continue to use Google search engine on the top right for research purposes. Its said that Google Plus looks like Facebook but putting the name "Google" makes it sound more superior. The presenter states that "Google can put all your contacts into separate categories more than Facebook. Its just a Facebook with more features. Whatever happened to Myspace? Thats like the underground sites of the internet. Looking back on Myspace website, They totally created a monster. is no longer Its Who woulda thought that they literally placed a space into the My"space".
         I fear that social networking will force more people to talk online than open to the world. Computers prices will sky rocket and Apple will rise to the top without Steve Jobs. Even worse ever social network site is trying to up there game. Facebook recently updated their new features like "New Stories" and the picture views are pop-ups. Internet is cyber slaughtering every pixel until they win over their audience. Facebook has to stop with these updates or Ima go back to my girlfriend Myspace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BC: Memories Lies In The Darkness

           Imagine waking up in a dark room. To convince yourself if your still asleep you slap yourself right on the forehead. *Slap*slap*slap* You immediately rotate your head to notice you triggered an echo heading in one direction. This doesn't scare you bit. You heart beats in a steady pace.Your interested in adventure its in your blood. With your chest up, you walk very slowly. More like tiptoeing one foot after the other the speed of a snail. You keep walking and then your hear an echo..SMACK. You smacked your face onto a glass window with a moonlight beaming in the dark room. Trying to find where your nose went in the accident, you look at your reflection. Brown eyes, sideburns freshly cut, plain white shirt,shiny bald spot, pointy eyebrows, and a zit on one cheek. You flex to see your manly muscles but when you look at the glare in the window you see a photograph beneath you. With bent knees, you pick up the photograph and tilt it at a angle so the image is visible against the moonlight passing through the window. You see a family of 9 brothers and sisters. You wonder where the parents in the photo. Using your index finger, you examine the photograph. Every pixel, smudge marks, and cracks envelop the photo. Turing the picture 360 Degrees, there's a message in cursive on the back of the picture.
             Looking very closely at the font, it reads "Its been several long days here and Ralph still hasn't left the house. Too bad he can't enjoy the sun with the rest of us chasing each other uphill and rolling downhill in a tire. I wish we can come back next year. We'll miss you Starlake,1996 Sincerely ____" You see a rip where the signature did belong and you search around to see if you dropped any pieces. Your brain begins to generates some questions. Who wrote this letter? What date is it today? I'm really hungry? Sounds like fun where is it? Was I one of the brothers or the father? Who was Ralph? Your head starts to become dizzy with all this thinking. You drop to the floor falling slowly and close your eyes.                                      
             You wake up with the sunlight on your face. Your face now is red hot. You quickly reach for shade in the tree. Wait WHAT! There it was a tree a real tree. Nature was involved in this? You hear kids screaming. This might have been the kids in the photo. You run clearly seeing everything in your path. Your surrounded with grass and trees. Mid distance you see a house and a tire rolling down hill. You know its them you continue on and reach the staircase into the house. You knock and there is a echo. You peer through the dusty window and see that no ones home. You stop hearing the kids scream and run down the wood made staircase. You run around to the lake where the picture was taken and saw a boy. You approach him. Now your paranoid and think your seeing things. With sweat dripping down your forehead, you touch his shoulders with a heavy grip. He turns around and jumps in shock. You ask for his name. The boy replies "Don't scare me like that again. You know my name is Ralph."
            Ralph tells you how the family had issues and each of them began to depart. But each and every word sounds like he's trying to hold back something. You ask him what seems to be the problem. Ralph reaches into his navy pockets and takes out the same exact photo you saw early. He shines it against the sun and slowly drops it into the lake. He regretted staying indoors and wishes the family would come back. You feel sorrow running through your veins so you decide to go swimming with him. You guys going running bare feet into the mushy sand and swim. You continue to swim until you......WAKE UP. The suns on your eye again but this time its real life. You check to see if its true. You smell the bacon on the grill, cars zooming past your street, and birds chirping in the distance. You get out of your bed and hear a paper fall to the floor. You pick it up and smile. The picture was of you and your best friend. This just goes to show that memories can come from the darkness too and treasure them forever as long as you remember.

Friday, September 16, 2011

RE: Good Grade Good School

My parents, being the traditional asian parents that they are, want to see me become a doctor, a lawyer, or an accountant. These are what my parents call "real jobs."
              Totally agree with Peter on this one, Asian parents expect too much from students. Even tho they force us or sign up classes to take on the career say Medical or Engineering. Its wall about what you want to do for a living. What if you die from being a Doctor not being happy. I rather doing doing what I love to do. yet I still haven't found out what I'm especially into. Right now I'm searching all over the places just taking some notes that may tell me what is interesting to me and if I have the abilities to follow it up. Yes I want to make. Yes I want to be successful. But its our choice and decision if we get into a college for doing bad in school. Then that's that, we can't change it.  
              Parents use money and presents to motivate us to do better. I ain't saying its half bad but it does work. I get confused sometimes when I get frequently about who I wanna be when I grow up? If this was a short response question I would leave it blank. I still haven't found the answer as a kid I always thought you could be a police, firefighter, or a teacher. No more just those 3 jobs. I didn't even know that they were called jobs until 4th grade(I'm slow). I don't have any qualities that suits me in becoming any 3. I'm going to live my life with a smile and see what crosses my path.

CE: Praying Is Illegal?

           Since when was praying in public illegal? France currently banned public prayers around the country. Did France want some space so they needed to ban this? One of the most weirdest laws that I ever heard in my life. This kinda reminds of my history class. One is because that people should have the right to practice their religion. Express their soul spiritually. Some Muslim continue to break the laws and carry their praying indoors.
The ban comes in the wake far-right protests over the practice - common among Muslims - of spreading out prayer mats in the streets.
          France authorities have provided worshipers with buildings to use. A few thousand Muslim sit on their praying mats in what is used to be a fire station. Its a agreement that people will carry their prayers indoor then out. I would get kinda scared entering the streets of France because their some people who are protesting their freedom. I think the government needs to mind their own business before they decide to publish this law. Has praying harmed anyone physically in the streets? Should you not continue to worship in what you believe in? Does the government have the right to tell you what you can do or cannot? Reporter says that these protesters are really battling out their identity of France. This also supports the right to vote for men and women. Its human nature to force yourself to disagree in what you think is wrong.  I guess some rules were made to be broken.

FREE: Aboard The Bart

            Since elementary school,I've been taking a summer program out in the city if you read my previous post. This journey consisted of 3 types of transportation. I had to wake up early in the morning around 8 to drive the car to the Bart Station in Lake Merritt near Laney College. Upon inserting my red Bart ticket in the slot where you pass by just like the ones in the airport. There are 3 different types of tickets red, blue, and green. Red is for kids under 12. Blue is for adults and green is for seniors. They were treated as a passport because if you lost it just send it to the Bart Customer Service and they'll announce it if it had your contact information everywhere on the mics around the Bart. I always thought it was fun to ride a Bart train but kinda dangerous. I felt like i paid for an amusement park season pass to a roller coaster that goes in a straight line.                                  In middle school, I started to read Bart procedures and maps because I knew sooner or later I the information would be useful. I think the best part about being on the Bart train is sitting down on the seats. Even tho they were made out of a material that can never be clean. They stay comfortable just like a Tempur-Pedic. I recently heard a story from my friend who poured soda all over the seat to see what would happen. He saw that the seat literally absorbed the soda faster than a Bounty Hunter towel. Pretty cool stuff but I would not sit in that seat at all. Bart was the first train I ever went on and I continue to go on it in needs of transportation. Ride a Bart Today!

Friday, September 9, 2011

RE: Below Zero Hip-Hop

But for example, when it comes to hip-hop genre for me, I prefer that it's better for people to listen to old school or underground, instead of today's mainstream. Why? Because old school has better lyrics that many other people besides the artist/rapper can relate to the meaning of the song.
           I totally agree with Bridget on this. Old hip hop needs to brought back. The mainstream these days are about money, girls, and words that have no meaning. The first rap song I listened to was from the artist Tupac but I really didn't know how to sing it so I just mumbled the lyrics(I was in 1st grade) and it had a nice flow to it. I was just listening to some beats to compare the sound from classic underground and mainstream. To me mainstream has too much techno in the instrumental so its more like Hip-Dance.   
          Classic Underground was just a simple beat easily invented by clapping hands and tongue. I think that some youtube singers are a lot better than the ones today. Some beats get a lot of repetition from other artist and those verse or freestyles they make are just incredible. Notorious B.I.G, P Diddy, and Mf Doom are my big time underground rappers. You can even tell if the song is mainstream or classic. I just think that people are into the beat then the lyrics these days. Some of the lyrics you can't even hear so you will have to search up the lyrics in order for you to sing along. You can disagree with this or not its my OPINION. Thanks Bridget for bringing this up. Check her blogs!

CE: Haywards most wanted and 9/11

              Everyone must have seen missing signs of the missing nurse Michelle Le from Kaiser Permanete around the East Bay. According to DNA evidence and camera footage, Giselle Esteban was suspected of killing her friend Michelle Le. Their background is that they used to be best friends but why did she kill her? Esteban testified that Michelle Le ruined her relationship between her child and husband. People these days really need to think before they act. How could you turn against a best friend?  It worries me how adults these days aren't setting a great example. Esteban is currently arrested and Michelle Le's family wish she that she will come back to them.
             9/11 is coming in two days and I would like to celebrate that victims that died. At the moment, I'm reading stories of kids who grew up without seeing their parents and just moving on with life. I probably didn't know about 9/11 until elementary school in 5th grade. I finally understood about how tragic this event was in 6th grade. This taught to respect the people around me because they have not been effected but impacted by this event. Let us remember this day and bow our heads this weekend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

FREE: UCLA and Christian Girl

             While watching videos on youtube, I came across this video that I've seen and probably been on the news about Alexandra Wallace or her internet name Racist UCLA Student. Basically she posted a 3 minute video on youtube about asians in the library. She complains that asians in the library are loud and selfish. Wallace continues on with "I swear they're going through their whole families just checking everybody from the tsunami thing". She refers to the disaster of Japan when 1st there was an earthquake then a tsunami. Leading me to another christian girl that thanks god for attacking Japan. Lets just call her Alexandra Wallace Junior. These 2 girls get an overload of threat emails from all over the world. I don't blame the world, I blame them for deciding to posting a video this dumb on the internet.
            After hours of trying to find the original video of "Asians in the Library", Youtube has deleted the video due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright from the Hong Kong Industry Alliance Limited. On the news, Alexandra Wallace has confirmed that she no longer attends UCLA explaining that she apologies for uploading the video. Sadly enough, people all over the world have reposted the video online and many other youtubers have posted their own response. My favorite response was by a comedian by the name of David So who really humiliated her by humor and his point of view. Props to David and hope he goes big. Have a good one guys!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BC: Newcomer

                Hi, I'm Gary. Currently a sophomore attending Alameda High School. I enjoy spending lots of time talking with friends and sleeping. I like to listen to anything that sounds good. I was born in Alameda, California and first enrolled in Otis Elementary. From Otis, I went on to Lincoln Middle School. During that time, I sometimes volunteered at Otis whenever there was a event going on. And from Lincoln to Alameda High School. Being the youngest out of four boys in the family. My job was to simply grow up.
                Through elementary to middle school, I was the short stick. my only advantage was hallways and hide-n-seek. I was forced to eat every last bit of any meal. My favorite memory in elementary was climbing to the top of a maple tree. It was probably the first sunset I ever saw in my life. During the summer, I entered a summer program in San Francisco, California. I was recognized by the staff because they knew my oldest brother. When I heard the building was in San Francisco's Haunted Places. I dressed up looking like Dora the explorer the male version the next day. I entered a small tunnel where rumors said that a girl was stuck in their without food and the tunnel eventually collapsed and trapped her till death. I went in took a peek and saw these blood stains on the wall. The staff heard a girl scream and stepped back. I appeared out of the tunnel and told them I saw the girl to hide the embarrassment.
                I never traveled outside of state but my Dad told me he'll take me to Hong Kong until I become fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. From the looks of it, my Dad is thinking that I'm a couch warmer. Basketball and Trying new food are my favorite hobbies. I've tried Ethiopian, Indian, and Taiwanese food but I have yet to try more. My stomach is always satisfied after each meal. I play basketball sometimes to take a break from frustration, stress, and boredom. It's my own form of meditation.  I have yet to tryout for any basketball team.
                I recently got into a lot of music. Since music is created almost every day, my favorites are beats, hip-hop, alternative, and jam. My favorite beats are created by the artist of J Dilla, Nujabes, and 9th Wonder. Eminem and a group called Atmosphere. They just create that flow that just makes you want to put your hands up. Jam and Alternative ties into my desire to become a dancer. Really just trying to make every movement to every possible beat makes you feel great.
                My writing goals for this year is being able to make sense and follow proper format. Penmanship wise is a little off but I can manage. The ability to include vocabulary words where appropriate. When I write better, I'll feel comfortable when it comes to writing speeches so I know the audience knows what I'm talking about.