Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CE: Thailand Flooding

Flood in Thailand is currently suffering from 6 Billion Dollars to the Thai economy. Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra, orders everybody to evacuate the situation in order for their country to survive. First priorities are helping the sick, escorting the youths, assiting the elders. Thousands of people have moved from their districts as the flood advances more into Central Bangkok. The flood has conquered the lower areas of the capital and the flood in rapidly moving faster than they expected. Thai government states that everybody should continue to move and should be aware of infections, electrocution, and whatever else is laying in the waters. The flood is said to be coming from 2 directions and medical assistance is needed. Thai asked for 3 weeks worth of medical supplies for the sick.
Over three months, the number of people killed has gone up by 366. Bangkok's secondary airport has officially shut down by the heavy flood. Thai government announced a 5 day weekend from Oct. 27 to 31st.
More than two million people has been affected by the flood and over nine million people have lost their livelihood in Thailand. Valuables are said to move up into higher elevation. Shelters are given to over 100,000 people and 700,000 needed for treatment. Currently 640,000 people don't have a job and the big companies such as Nikon had to close down their operation. I hope everybody in Thailand are doing what they can do to fix this situation and that the government knows what they are doing to ensure that survivors are accountant able.

Friday, October 21, 2011

RE: The Big Bang Theory

From Justin's Blog:
I just started watching The Big Bang Theory.  In my opinion, it is a great show.
Me too dude. I started watching The Big Bang Theory when I was just skimming through channels trying to find something interesting. Then I heard a funny conversation. I got hooked. Every night at 9:00-10:00p.m I watch non-stop episodes of The Bang Theory. Then after 10o' clock I look into two and a half men with Charlie Sheen. Its some seriously funny stuff. I would put Big Bang Theory next to The Office because its a bit dirty but you have to understand the joke. When I first heard about the Big Bang Theory I thought it was like another science channel about how earth was formed. I was thinking the whole time how television would host a series of science documentary about the Big Bang Theory. It definitely proved me wrong.
When I first watched The Big Bang Theory, I didn't understand what they were saying. Some jokes require vocabulary and it gets kinda confusing. But still I end up laughing because Sheldon would make a funny yet sarcastic comment. He is my favorite person on the show. He's smart but unsocial. But when he does become social, he acts like a complete nerd bringing math equations to the table. Sometimes he gets irritated but thats the BEST part. His other friends Howard Wolowitz, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny, and Rajesh Koothrappali. Just help make Sheldon a interesting person. When they're together its like George Lopez had a talk with Kevin hart. I honestly think of learning more biology watching shows like these than school.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Childhood Memory

Growing up, I listened to alternative and rock because I never really got into R&B and rap. R&B was like listening to a song spitting cooties everywhere and that really got me annoyed. That's just from a kid's point. I was always out going. Never cared about time and wished that school would be longer. Yea seriously school be longer? Well, because school time is where you really have fun with other kids. I didn't know anybody no one knew me. Recess was the best. I always thought that recess happens in every grade  or class. High school and middle school definitely proved me wrong. I remember that when your a kid playing on the play structures was like a zoo. Big kids were the lions and the little kids were everything else. We would play in one space and the big kids take over everything cause they're already have should have first priority. When they gave a germ-free assembly, I stayed away from the playground. One because it hard germs everywhere. It was like germ-rays to my eyes. I heard every sneeze and I witnessed every single water drops come out of nose or mouth. Others didn't care and carried on their game of tag.
During the weekends, I would always wake on on Saturday morning for those morning cartoon shows. Whenever the word "new" shows up I stay up watching T.V till 12. It begins at 9 so I prepare with cereal in one hand and remote on the others. my favorites shows were Teen Titans, Kids Next Door, Caillou, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Clifford, Between the Lions, and Kirby. These are the only ones I remember but there's more just gotta go back to watching old youtube videos.

CE: Kidnapped French Woman

Handicapped french women Maire Dedieu was kidnapped in a beach house near a Kenyan resort island. Residents said that the abduction was planned ahead of time. Kenya's government believes that the Somali fighters from the al-Shabab group were involved in this crime. Her boyfriend John Lepapa claims that the group came to their house in a boat carrying loaded guns. They asked where the foreigner was and took Maire while she was vulnerable. She asked to spare her life and told them they could take whatever they had in their pockets and house. But they refused and carried her to the boat which sailed somewhere around Somalia. Later that day, the ministry confirms Maire's death. Maire's family asked if Kenyan government would commit to sending back her remains if the kidnappers were captured. The French government gave their gratitude to the death of Maire Dedieu.
When reading this, I was wondering why the kidnappers would take a foreigner. and how did they know that Maire died? Maybe the Somali fighters sent a video response to the Kenyan government.  When I read that the French government helped contribute to the death of Maire. I began to come up with a hypothesis. Did the group who took Maire take her because they wanted to see how the French government will react? It seems to me that the crime was possessed because they plan on doing something else. The French government was respected because of their urge to find whoever had kidnapped Maire Dedieu and bring justice. I hope the best for Maire Dedieu's family.

Friday, October 14, 2011

RE: Back To Thy Past

I got this from Pamela's Blog:
Everything is just stressing me out. I remember the days when I didn't have this much homework to do..... and those were like elementary and middle school times.
Pamela we should totally get in a time machine in go to the past. Why have they not invented these things yet? I definitely missed elementary school days. I was always late and the attendance office casually said things like " You late again , Buster". And I always walk to class laughing. I realize that in the old days homework was not an issue losing in a game of handball or four square was like failing a test. When you lose the winner, would always rat against you during school and after school. You feel like a Boss. yes a B0$$. But when you lose there's always the tear that gets out and says I saw what happened "HE CHEATED".
          Sometimes I like to look back on some fun moments in middle and elementary school. It ranges from eating delicious candy  to partying partying YEA. I never liked the weekends. They kept me away from my friends in school. my favorite memory of elementary is playing the annual 5th grade Vs. Staff kickball game. Free food was available and watching my class school the teachers was like insulting them in kid language. Elementary was a little bit more like Middle school with just more stuff to do and your responsibility. Like studying is a problem and tests mean more to your grade than anything else. Being a kid you would always want to stay up. Well Happy Birthday your wish came true in High School. I just wanna turn back time before its too late. But being a teenage isn't half bad.

CE: Earthquake Hits Indonesia

One of the reasons why I'm talking about earthquakes even though it is a common problem.  Is because my city has recently been hit by several small earthquakes.  We don't know when the big one is coming. There's always an aftermath big or small it terrifies everyone. When I was a kid, when i first experienced an earthquake I thought it was me jumping around to much. I found out it was called an earthquake. SO I searched up what an earthquake really is. Encyclopedia defines "An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time."
 The powerful earthquake in Indonesia injures at least 50 people. No tsunami was alerted but the injuries range from broken bones, cracked heads, cuts, and scrapes. I glad it wasn't like the Japan earthquake where a huge tsunami came after a horrifying quake.  The earthquake in Indonesia measured 6.8 but the U.S Geological Survey says 6.0. Still the earthquake affected government buildings, schools, and hospitals.  Tourists went screaming around hotels near the beach of Kuta. I hope we can build a fundraiser for the people of Indonesia but alot of other people too need money.  We gotta do this much at this place and then another. I really want to see scientist build a device which can detect earthquakes when its going to happen.

FREE: Most Def Inspiration

Free post gotta be the hardest thing to write about. Its funny how I would think to myself that I know just what to write about but when I start I stare blank face to the screen. I don't know whats the problem. My mind just shuts down. Either my life has to many things going on or I just cant talk about just one. Sometimes I would look at videos on Youtube for inspiration or take a 30-min break. This happens alot to me ESPECIALLY on test or exams. Many people I know agree with me that the first glance you take it on the test you sit there with nothing. Its like by looking at your paper you wasted all your studying time. But it eventually comes back. Hmm Inspiration, sounds like a alright topic to talk about.
I get inspiration from alot of things not just one place. For example, some music artists I know just walk around a packed beach or town. The streets make sound and the beach always have some music going. Most of my inspiration comes from my dad. He told me stories of his life in China. How 13 people lived in one room or that finding a job is a ratio of 1 to 5,000. He treated me better because he doesn't want me to live the life he did. That's why he moved to America. He thought that moving here would be a good start. This inspires me to get into the top colleges to get a job to repay my dad for his accomplishment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BC: Philosophy of Life 101

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

—Steve Jobs, in a 2005 speech

If I had to start following this advice tomorrow, I will start to question myself if I want to make a big change. I wonder if the choices are worth risking for this change. What I mean is should I act like my life is in danger every second as long as I breath or take a more relaxed stride through life. I do agree that Steve Jobs advice should be followed because it challenges how much we value life. To me this quote can really get a person off the couch and be more productive. The thing about 
"all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure"
 is that these are just subjects that we categorize in our achievements. Maybe when you were first born was your biggest pride or failing that one math test where you marked a word on your head failure. No matter what, your going to end up dying. How much you put in still does not change destiny. Eventually, change will happen but will you be ready when it happens?
        One of the things I'll learn about myself from this advice is that I might be taking some of my lifetime deciding what I'm doing the next day. Which is bad because it ISN'T me. I want to challenge myself each and every day to come up with ideas on the spot. Life to me is fun with thrills and chills. This helps me be able to plan my life without having to waste time planning it during my own lifetime. If I were to decide what I wanted to do in life before I was born that probably would've been cool but that doesn't happen. Some of the things I plan are rejected because I would give my body excuses like I'm tired, It's too early, and I'll do it tomorrow. I end up in the same place proving that my body needs break loose and get out.
         The things I learn in my situations are things that are dangerous,overdoing, and appropriate. I might be left in a position that i wouldn't wanna be in. Or I might be doing too much in one day causing the next day to be boring or empty. Also it shrinks down my options and wear out my body. I'm scared to be in a situaution which isn't appropriate or suitable for me. I would want to plan ideas that will help me acheive what I want in life. Maybe I'll look back at all success and fails only to accept that all my choices had been chosen for one purpose: To accomplish what I needed to do on planet Earth. I plan reminisense my life if theres nothing to in the past life. I probably imagined my self sitting in a chair looking over a long list of events that occured in my life. I'll enjoy every second of life and maybe even running around naked could be a major event in my timeline.

Friday, October 7, 2011

RE: SchoolRupt

Schools really cost a lot of money? The government just wants the money to be spent on something else. That's probably the problem of what most of the countries are facing right now, budget cut.
Ken just nails it again.I hate how schools say they have no money at all. It disappointing to look ahead into the future and really be able to pay for college admission fee. How does this help our future? I mean everybody gets hyped up when the school has a 3-day weekend. Yeah its cool and all but your going to regret it later on. College admission is increasing and its less likely to get into the top universities. Other people in China don't have breaks so I heard. We might be a whole month behind in education. Thats why China might take over the world. Everybody needs money. Some people have to give up their homes and live on the streets.
I appreciate how every school has new ways of fundraising. For each class, its a challenge to win by earning the most points or money. Examples are like car wash and free car wash. I recently heard from a friend from another high school is having budget problem in their class that they might not have a school prom. That SUCKS its completely ruins high school for them and their at the foot of never really experiencing high school. Their class so far has 2,100 Dollars and they need to raise up to 10,000 for the prom. he says that their class president is crap and believes he can do better. I personally think he can because he knows whats up. I hope he does well in the next class election.

CE: Steve Jobs Tribute

After arriving home after school, I hear my brother's motorcycle pull in knowing that he was home. He walked up the stairs and told me something his friend had told him. Steve Jobs had died. I replied how and his response was that Steve Jobs has gone through cancer and many other health issues. I really didn't know how to respond. The co-founder of Apple who has left a legacy of new technology that changed the world. It brought learning to a new perspective and utility to is maximum multitasking. To understand more about Steve Jobs, I began to research more about his life. I found out he was adopted because his mom wanted an abortion. The first Apple computer was the mackintosh. He had 2 daughters and his fashion style was a black long sleeve and blue jeans.
Today I headed out to San Francisco city to hang out with some friends. As I left the Powell Bart station I saw post-it notes on the Apple store window. People stood in front of the store taking pictures. Some left apples(fruits) and candles were lit. We owe it to Steve Jobs for inventing and inspiring us to surpass the average human. He taught me to enjoy life at its max and a greater education can make a big change in the world.  We are not at our limits and our possibilities are endless. I personally carry a 4th generation I touch. This device would have never came up when I was in elementary school and I would never expect touch screen when I had a mouse and a cursor.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

FREE: Pho- Real?

This massive load of 2 pounds of noodles and 2 pounds of combination beef all in one huge XXL bowl. I know I'm starving. I don't think I can ever finish this under 60 minutes. If you attempt to eat and can't contain the beast than you will have to pay a fee of $22. I'm probably gonna starve myself for a few days before the challenge. I guess its kinda worth it. I mean its the BIGGEST pho noodle you'll ever come across. Usually Large phos are worth 7 bucks. So what 7*3= 21, thats a deal but is it worth finishing it under 60 minutes. A few people I knew took on the challenge but a few of them didn't succeed. Maybe I'll be the first one? I heard if you fail they take a picture of you and post it on "The Wall of Shame". I surely don't wanna lose now.                                        
                How can I finish this massive bowl? Is there a certain way to eat it? Some people try to finish it before the noodles are completely soaked in the soup. I'm scared right now to think of the consequence of finishing it. I mean I get a free meal but with all that soup moving while I move. Probably the worst stomache ache I will ever get is eating from one of my favorite food. I plan on trying all the good food in San Francisco from taco trucks to food carts. I'm going to try it tho! Seems fun. Even tho you might see me on the wall of shame.

Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Curious Adrenaline, 5-Hour Personlity and Religion Power Bar

These aren't sold in stores. They're in your blood and it powers every human. We take a daily dose of it every day without realizing it. My guess-timate of what it means to be a human is in our DNA and emotions. Each DNA has a pair of genetics that builds your spirituality or religion. Emotions is an individual's state of mind.Without it you wouldn't know what it feels to be loved, hated, and respected. Its my opionion of important feelings that are powerful. Ones that can take over your body. They make you do stuff you never expected to do. Sometimes you wake up and feel like you had a hangover. I know there is many different categories that human would actually fit in. But I really wanted to talk about human characterstics aside from us being globally. Many people think that everyone else is different. We're the same because we think that other people are different. Depending on your personality and religion, you make life as it is enjoyable. I measure life as the years its worth meaning that you did something you enjoyed doing. In life we come across a gazillion fork roads, we each drive into one road after thinking about it and soon acting. Curiosity helps us to find the answer to our questions.

 Everybody has the desire in their eyes for curiosity. We seek discovery and learn things from other people. If another person had a lunch, wouldn't you want to know what it it?. Or If there is a new release of Iphone 5 in the apple store, would you call someone who might know? I think as a world we tend to think about what other people in the world are like. We want to learn and discover new things so we go travel and research. I think of curiosity as an ability that one might acquire to further understand the world around an individual. Many people put curiosity into instinct more than emotion. Its more of an emotion because there is many different ways to express it. It increases or human knowledge and gave it its own subject: history. History pinpoints all of our events into one category so when we need the answer to a past relating to the future it may help us understand the world that we live in. Curiosity involves other emotions like love, anger, loneliness, and excitement. When we choose to love someone, we contact them because we are curious of what they would think of you. When we hate someone, we wonder if they feel the same way. When we feel lonely, we wonder if people are there to notice. When we feel excited, we want to know if anyone else is enjoying this too.  Depending upon what your personality is you can choose to lack curiosity or increase.
"An understanding of the natural world and what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment. "
David Attenborough 

Everyone has a personality. Personality is the combination of behavior, attitude, and emotions. We each have personalities that change in a time period where we think we LACK change. To fix a situation in life, we decide to test a new personality between social or antisocial. If we are lonely we make friends with other people who might feel lonely. If we think that everybody judges you by who you are and its an issue, you become antisocial. It's becoming a big deal in the world because the world can sometimes be against or with you. As humans, we tend to form groups with people of our personalities. Doesn't matter what race or gender. We all need a soul mate. Good or bad moral is measured and judged by your personality. A human can have a side of right or wrong. Its better for someone to have good moral because it effects other people around them. Remember, We're not alone in this world and what you do impacts everyone else. Sometimes one person personality can change someone elses. Torturing and insulting each other brings negative thoughts into our minds. So we undergo processes that might deal with them before they become emotional. If you were bullied, you'll either bully someone else to make you feel superior or treat everybody with more respect so they can respect you. In this world, these things won't happen as much because other people want to stop you from becoming someone you dream to become. When the world sees you like a threat, they stop you in your tracks and send you to jail for your actions. Its always good to know if someone lacks this or that so you can share some of your personality to them. Explain and convince them to do this if they feel like they need something to live with. Its like you recruited a new person into your new created religion. 

Religion takes up between 0% to 100% of a persons belief. Mankind has developed these theories based on there own point of view. Many people think that by your race, you must follow your heritage. When in the real world, you can CHOOSE what you believe in. Something that convinces you and will increase your wisdom. Religions has certain behaviors that you must do. Kinda like a membership card to get into the religion. This might or might not change your personality and living style. As humans, we obtain certain characteristics and attributes from these religions that break off into small branches. Lets say you believed in Christianity, you are recognized as a person of importance in the world and have good moral. You will later have to fall into Protestant,Catholic,or Orthodox. They read and interpret the bible living up to their practices. Its a full commitment so be prepared to change your lifestyle.

Its great to set history as an example for the upcoming generations. As humans we do our fair share and build next to each other relationships. Even tho war has forces us to hold each other throats, we got some things in common. We're all the same because we think we're different. We are different because we think we're all the same.

Friday, September 23, 2011

FREE: Unmistakable

We all make mistakes. Do we deserve the punishment sometimes? Yes. But what we can do is learn from this and do better. I was always the innocent one. If someone got in trouble they'll drag me in the situation some have or another. Using any object or subject in their minds, they will unleash upon me. "He saw what happened" "Look he's holding the stolen item" "He's lieing cause he did it" Stop it please your making yourself a selfish person. Take responsibility and stand up. How could you accuse people of lying when you seen other people lie? We are all different. I'm glad they made erasers for a pencil because even a "Pen is mightier than the sword". It could erase written mistakes but never recover shame. Don't get it? Heres a story.
        I was accused of tagging(drawing) on a dictionary. I was consulted with the leader to figure out the truth. One, I knew who previously did it. Second, I was brought into this mess by someone. Third, I had to let her know the truth. Apparently she thinks I'm lying. So by lying she doesn't believe me. What do I do? I tell a lie about the truth. I said "That I did this and I'm sorry I did." I felt ashamed I took someone's crime and made it mine. His punishment was my punishment. Pissed off i walked away with anger and a clenched fist. I figured out that people will trust you if you respect them the way you would do with your friends. But will your friends respect you or treat you as a scapegoat? If this was one of your mistakes, your not alone on this.

RE: Summer Weather?

  Weather’s been changing. It’s hella cold. What the hell. This coming week’s gonna be hella warm again.Bipolar ass weather I swear. I’m getting the worst allergies because of all these change of weather. I didn’t feel good all day in school today. I didn’t have enough sleep too. In math class I was like writing while falling asleep,literally no concentration. Whatever.
Gendarme you ain't alone man. Why summer heat gonna come when schools starts? I should be able to wear my jacket the whole day like the usual days. Everyday in school your just struggling to keep yourself awake especially in math class. Your eyes are like trying to lift their own weights. You hand just wanna be close to their best friend Cheeks. How do you learn if the weather is killing you? Wheres the AC School? I seat like 5 seats away from the fan. Wheres my fair share of the breeze? I hate hot weathers but its great to get active. Cold dessert is the best on a hot day.
             Do people still call this global warming? I haven't seen any news about polars bears living on a melting floating piece of ice. How are we helping to prevent this? More cars are pouring smoke into the air. Factories work nonstop. Don't forget about allergies. Theirs always the person who sneezes continuously until they settle down. Especially in a silent classroom, its more embarrassing cause everybody look at you. But i guess its like a comic relief so everybody can take away time from paying attention to everything the teachers says. A combination of sleepiness and weather pain is overkill. I hate it when your writing and your palm is stick right onto the paper like glue. You want to wash your face in cold water. Cold weathers are great because you can control it. What I mean is that you can wear as many layers as you like to get in a comfort zone. Unlike hot weathers, you will have to take off layers and skin. Stuff is nasty. Bugs are buzzing trying to get in your house for shelter. This weather is great for bugs to lay their eggs. Found this out by observing a load of flies buzzing through a dead wood.