Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Childhood Memory

Growing up, I listened to alternative and rock because I never really got into R&B and rap. R&B was like listening to a song spitting cooties everywhere and that really got me annoyed. That's just from a kid's point. I was always out going. Never cared about time and wished that school would be longer. Yea seriously school be longer? Well, because school time is where you really have fun with other kids. I didn't know anybody no one knew me. Recess was the best. I always thought that recess happens in every grade  or class. High school and middle school definitely proved me wrong. I remember that when your a kid playing on the play structures was like a zoo. Big kids were the lions and the little kids were everything else. We would play in one space and the big kids take over everything cause they're already have should have first priority. When they gave a germ-free assembly, I stayed away from the playground. One because it hard germs everywhere. It was like germ-rays to my eyes. I heard every sneeze and I witnessed every single water drops come out of nose or mouth. Others didn't care and carried on their game of tag.
During the weekends, I would always wake on on Saturday morning for those morning cartoon shows. Whenever the word "new" shows up I stay up watching T.V till 12. It begins at 9 so I prepare with cereal in one hand and remote on the others. my favorites shows were Teen Titans, Kids Next Door, Caillou, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Clifford, Between the Lions, and Kirby. These are the only ones I remember but there's more just gotta go back to watching old youtube videos.

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